3rd Year Winner: Drilling to the Root of the Problem: Dalhousie University’s Facebook Crisis
WRIT 3010, Practical Studies in Damage Control. CD: Jon Sufrin
“Drilling to the Root of the Problem: Dalhousie University’s Facebook Crisis” is a compelling case study that thoroughly and insightfully investigates misogynistic practices in the University sector. This insightful and detailed analysis displays the author’s ability to methodically and clinically proceed through the facts of the case. This is bolstered throughout by an attention to detail in the integration of consistently applied research and critical reading strategies. The author strikes a delicate balance in succinctly yet persuasively using key academic and industry literature to examine the larger structural issues at play, and how these manifested in applying and not applying best practices in damage control. The paper's professionalism in composition and integration of theory makes it a much-deserved winner.