3rd Year Hon. Mention: Living in the Felt-Sentence

WRIT 3730, Substantive Editing. CD: Dunja Baus


  • Sophie Morgan


“Living in the Felt-Sentence” is an ambitious and evocative discourse on education, language and writing. This poetic contribution blends an attention to the depth and impact of emotional experience with an emphasis on the play and lived reality of rhetoric and grammar. The maturity of thought of this piece coupled with an attentiveness to the “sensory” and “feeling” of written expression expose often uncovered contradictions and continuities involved in the writing process. This excellent work powerfully illuminates the struggle of forming written connections, prompting us to consider that “Learning how to write then is about learning how to live.”




How to Cite

Morgan, S. (2020). 3rd Year Hon. Mention: Living in the Felt-Sentence: WRIT 3730, Substantive Editing. CD: Dunja Baus. Jan Rehner Prize for Writing, 5(1). Retrieved from https://rehnerprize.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/default/article/view/7



Third Year Honourable Mentions/Winners