Fourth Year Hons. Mention: York University's Gospel Choir Keeps on Singing

WRIT 4002 Periodical Writing and Publishing Practicum. CD Paul McLaughlin.


  • Royce Luu


“York University's Gospel Choir Keeps on Singing,” is a compelling, well-researched feature-length investigation of York’s course-based gospel choir. Through its length, the article imparts a theme of community, a place where a diverse array of gospel music enthusiasts join together to express their love for the genre and for performing together. From first-to-fourth year they gather, under the leadership of York Professors Karen Burke and Nicole Sinclair-Anderson, to learn about the traditions of gospel and to honour it with their own recital.


Compellingly written, and featuring an inset that traces the same themes of togetherness and community building in heavy metal music, this piece does especially well with its vivid description and scene setting. The writer has clearly engaged in much background research, and by focusing on the shared experience of choir, convincingly underlined how, as Professor Burke puts it, “music can be a tool for building pathways and sharing culture.”




How to Cite

Luu, R. (2023). Fourth Year Hons. Mention: York University’s Gospel Choir Keeps on Singing: WRIT 4002 Periodical Writing and Publishing Practicum. CD Paul McLaughlin. Jan Rehner Prize for Writing, 8(1). Retrieved from



Fourth Year Honourable Mentions/Winners