Third Year Winner: Teachers and TAs, Unions Divided: Inconsistent Coverage of 2015 Strike Action

WRIT 3011, Reading the News. CD: Andrea McKenzie


  • Jonathan Clodman


“Teachers and TAs” provides an insightful and thought-provoking analysis of the news coverage and resulting public perception of the 2015 strikes held by the Canadian Union of Public Employees local 3903 and the Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario. The scope of reading and research the author conducted to inform this piece is itself an impressive feat; however, it is their in-depth analysis of the texts and images presented in news articles published at the time that makes new and fascinating connections for the reader. The author uses these skills and relevant scholarly research to determine how emotional narrative is constructed in news coverage, and how it affects public perception of the events covered. In the end, the reader cannot but agree with the author’s finding that “reporting is not so objective…after all.”




How to Cite

Clodman, J. (2018). Third Year Winner: Teachers and TAs, Unions Divided: Inconsistent Coverage of 2015 Strike Action: WRIT 3011, Reading the News. CD: Andrea McKenzie. Jan Rehner Prize for Writing, 3(1). Retrieved from



Third Year Honourable Mentions/Winners